Carlie Coding

Coding and Robotics Camps

Welcome to Carlie Coding Holiday Camps – where young minds embark on an exciting journey of discovery through our Coding and Robotics Camps during school holidays in London! Tailored for children aged 5-11, our camps blend the realms of coding and robotics with the essence of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics).

At Carlie Coding, we believe in nurturing creativity, fostering productivity, and instilling digital literacy in our young participants. Through engaging activities, we focus on problem-solving skills, encouraging children to explore, learn, and innovate.

Our Coding and Robotics Camps provide a unique blend of STEAM education, connecting technology with nature, sparking creativity, and empowering children to become solution-oriented thinkers. Join us for an unforgettable experience where learning meets fun!

For details about the camps, please stay tuned for announcements on our website or feel free to reach out to us directly. Let the coding adventures begin!

Please Note: The curriculum for our camps, lessons, and all coding activities may vary based on the content and concept of the activity, the age of the children, and the programs updated to incorporate the latest developments.